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Showing posts from September, 2020

Girls Stipend

 آر ايس يو نے لڑکیوں کے وظیفوں کی آن لائن تصدیق کے لیے ایک ویب لنک شیئر کیا۔ اب  ہر کوئی اپنے بچے کا وظیفہ موبائل پر چیک اور تصدیق کر سکتا ہے لنڪ چيڪ ڪرڻ لاء ھتي ڪلڪ ڪريو

ہر ٹیسٹ کے لیے اسلامیات کے اہم سوال اور ان کے جواب

 ہر قسم کی ٹیسٹ کے لیے اسلامیات

سندھ کابینہ نے کانٹریکٹ ملازمین کا بل ایجنڈے میں شامل کردیا

 سندھ کابینہ کے ہونے والے اجلاس میں کانٹریکٹ ملازمین کو ریگیولر کرنے کا بل اپنے ایجنڈے میں شامل کردیا ہے جس سے ٹیچرس میں امید کی کرن جاگ اٹھی ہے

Use of Most as Superlative

 Use of most as Superlative. 

Sindh E-Library To Read

 Sindh Government has Launched a Website named Sindh E-Library to Read or Download E-Books (PDF) for Free. Books are in English, Urdu and Sindhi Languages. English, Urdu and Sindhi Dictionaries Are Available to Download. Website Links:👇

General Knowledge

 This is the first part of General Knowledge. I will share other Patrs soon. Stay connected with my site.... 1. Which of the great lakes has the largest surface area? Ans. Lake Superior 2. San Francisco Golden gate is located in which state? Ans. Arizona 3. What South American city is the world's highest national capital? Ans. Laz Paz 4. Which of the following crops is the largest consumer of water? Ans. Sugarcane 5. The Galapagos islands belong to which country? Ans. Ecuador 6. Which of the following country is a landlocked country? Ans. Bolivia 7. Equator passes through? Ans. Indonesia 8. The only line if latitude which is also as large as any line of longitude is the: Ans. Equator 9. Estonia , Latvia, and Lithuania are called? Ans . Baltic States 10. Which country shares the longest continuous border with China? Ans . Mongolia 11. What is Asia's longest river? Ans . Yangtze 12. Mohenjo Daro was ancient city in the valley of what river? Ans . Indus River 13. What is Mount God...

School Timings Notification Issued

 آج سے سندھ بھر میں پرائمری تا مڈل اسکول کھل جائینگے۔ اسکول ایجوکیشن ڈپارٹمنٹ سندھ کی طرف سے ایک نوٹیفکیشن جاری کیا گیا ہے جس میں اسکولوں کے اوقات کار کی تفصیل دی گئی ہے۔ For Middle Schools For Primary Schools

M.E.S Screening Test (Islamiat)

ابو سفیان نے فتح مکہ پر اسلام قبول کیا فتح مکہ 8 ہجری میں ہوا وادی القری مکہ مکرمہ کو کہتے ہیں قرآن مجید میں کل 14 سجدے ہیں قرآن مجید میں سب سے زیادہ الف کا استعمال ہوا ہے اسلام کا پہلا تیر چلانے والے صحابی سعد بن ابی وقاص رضہ ہیں قرآن مجید میں واحد صحابی حضرت زید بن حارثہ رضہ کا ذکر آیا ہے فرعون کی لاش کا ذکر سورۃ یونس میں آیا ہے قرآن مجید کا نزول 17 رمضان بمطابق 10 اگست 610ء کو ہوا خلیفہ اللہ حضرت داؤد عہ کو کہا جاتا ہے قبلہ 2 ہجری میں تبدیل ہوا۔ پہلا قبلہ بیت المقدس تھا مسجد اقصیٰ کی تعمیر حضرت سلیمان علیہ السلام نے کی قربانی کے دن کو یوم نحر کہتےہیں خطیب الانبیاء حضرت شعیب علیہ السلام کا لقب ہے تہجد کے لفظی معنی نیند توڑ کر اٹھنا ہے اسلام کے پہلے سپہ سالار حضرت حمزہ رضہ تھے جمع کے دن دوسری آذان کا اضافہ حضرت عثمان غنی رضہ نے کیا روزے دو ہجری کو فرض ہوے اذان کا حکم یکم ہجری کو ہوا زکوٰۃ دو ہجری میں فرض ہوئی آدم ثانی حضرت نوح کو کہا جاتا ہے اسلام کی پہلی خاتون شھیدہ کا نام حضرت سمیہ رضہ تھا   غزوہ خیبر میں 93 یہودی مارے گئے جبکہ 14مسلمان شھید ہوئے غزوہ بدر میں 14مسلمان شھید ہوئے۔...


 Model paper 1 Federal Public Service Commission Written Examination For Recruitment To The Post Of Assistant Director FIA (Bps-17)

Use of much , many , a lot of

 Use of much , many a lot of. In this video I shared examples of uses of much, many and a lot of

M.E.S Screening Test (Past Paper)

Past paper for Screening test of M.E.S

Adjectives with some Useful Examples

 Uses Of Adjectives I described some Examples in this video hope you will find best for you....

Uses Of Adjectives


What is Interjection?

 8. INTERJECTION     The word Interjection literally means "thrown in between" and comes from the Latin word inter meaning 'between' and iacere meaning 'throw'.    An Interjection is a part of sneeh that usually has no grammatical connection to the rest of the sentence and simply expresses emotion on the part of the speaker, although most Interjections have clear definitions. Filled pauses such as uh, er, um, are also considered Interjections. Interjections are generally uninflected function words and have sometimes been seen as sentence-words, since they can replace or be replaced by a whole sentence. Sometimes, however, Interjections combine with other words to form sentences, but not with finite verbs. Also, Interjections like "so" and "what" are rarely used in the sentences.     An Interjection is usually followed by an exclamation mark. Interjections are uncommon in formal academic prose, except in direct quotations. Interjections a...

What is Conjunction?

 7. CONJUNCTION The word Conjunction comes from Latin conjunction, means 'a joining'. In grammatical sense, it is a translation of Greek word sundesmos that means 'binding together'.     A conjunction is a joiner; a word that connects (conjoins) words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. Example  Ahmad and Arham are friends.  Here, the Conjunction 'and' connects two nouns.  He will drive or fly.  Here, the Conjunction "or' connects two verbs.  It is very early in the morning but we can go whatsoever  In this example the Conjunction 'but' connects two groups of words, go whatsoever.

What is Preposition?

 6. PREPOSITION     The word Preposition comes from Latin praepositio, from praeponere means to 'to place before'- prae means 'before' + ponere means 'to put or place'. A Preposition may be described as connecting words showing the relation of a noun or a noun substitute to some other word in the sentence. Prepositions are used to express a number of relationships including time, direction, location, cause, manner, quantity, purpose, and state or condition.  Examples • He rushed to the bus.  In the above example, to is the Preposition which shows direction. • He came by bus.  Here, by is a Preposition which shows manner. • We will join you at 8 o'clock.  Here, at is a Preposition which shows time. • She placed the rostrum table on the stage.  In the above example, on is a Preposition which shows place. A Preposition always goes with a noun or a pronoun which is called the object of the Preposition. The Preposition is almost always before th...

What is Adverb?

 5. ADVERB      The word Adverb come form the Middle English adverbe and from Latin adverbium. An Adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a phrase, or a clause. An Adverb indicates manner, time, place, cause, or degree and answers questions such as "how," "when," "where," "how much". Examples  Manner quickly-I do my work quickly. Place: there-We are going there to attend the funeral. tomorrow-I will visit him tomorrow.  Time: Many Adverbs end with the suffix "Iv'. Most of these are created by adding "ly" to the end of an adjective. Such as:  Adjective hard Adverb hardly Adjective hopeful Adverb hopefully Adjective aggressive Adverb aggressively  However, this is not a reliable way to find out whether a word is an adverb or not, for two reasons: Many Adverbs do not end in "-ly", and many words which are not Adverbs do end in "-ly" such as kindly, friendly, clderly and lonely, which a...

What is Verb?

 4. VERB     The word Verb comes from Latin verbum . A Verb is a part of speech that expresses existence , action or occurrence of a subject or an object . In other words , it is used to tell what a subject or an object does or is . The Verb is the heart of a sentence and is a vital part of the predicate of a sentence . In various languages , it is inflected for agreement with the subject , for tense , for voice , for mood , or for aspect . Examples  .A snake bites his victims on the head .  I go to the university in the morning .  In the above two sentences the Verbs ' bites ' and go ' show what action a person or a thing takes  My father is a genius .  Here the Verb ' is ' shows what a person is .  The Car has a broken window pane .  Here the Verb ' has ' shows what has been done to a thing         The grammatical forms of the Verbs include number, person and tense. Unlike most of the other parts of speech, Verbs change their form. Sometim...

What is Adjective?

 3. ADJECTIVE The word Adjective comes from Late Latin adiectivus means to add to . It is a part of speech that modifies a noun , a pronoun or other substantive by describing , qualifying , quantifying or specifying words . Thus , it is called a modifier .  Moreover , it gives more information about what the Noun or Pronoun refers to . It is distinguished in English morphologically by one of several suffixes , such as -able , -ous , -er , and -est , or syntactically by position directly preceding a noun , a nominal phrase or a pronoun .  Examples *He is a timid baby . *I have a red pencil . *Most monkeys are arboreal creatures *I saw six sheep grazing in the meadow . *Mrs. Aslam papered her kitchen walls with lovely wall paper . In the above sentences , the italicized words are Adjectives . For video description please visit my YouTube channel 👇 Youtube

What is Pronoun?

 2. PRONOUN The word Pronoun comes from the Late Middle English ( pronoune ) , partial translation of Latin pronomen : Whereas pro means name and nomen means Noun . A Pronoun can replace a Noun or another Pronoun . Moreover , a Pronoun is the part of speech that is used as a substitute for an antecedent noun that is clearly understood , and with which it agrees in person , number , and gender  For example , consider the sentence " Arham gave the coat to Asma . " All three nouns in the sentence can be substituted by pronouns to give : " He gave it to her . If the coat , Arham , and Asma have been previously mentioned , the listener can infer what the pronouns he , it and her refer to and therefore understand the meaning of the sentence . In addition , you can use pronouns like he , which , none , and you to make your sentences less cumbersome and less repetitive . I , n , you , he , she , it , they , them , ours , me , who , which , myself , anybody , etc. are pronouns ...

What is Noun?

 NOUN    The word Noun comes from the Latin nomen meaning ' name ' . A word used as the designation or appellation of a creature or a thing , existing in fact or in thought ; a substantive .        Noun is the part of speech that is used to name a person , a place , a thing , a quality , an action or an abstract idea such as feeling or quality and can function as the subject or the object of a verb , the object of a preposition , or an appositive . Thus , Nouns designate all those objects we can see , smell , touch , hear or taste and those also that we can think of but cannot perceive by any of our five senses .       Child designates a person ; therefore , child is a noun . Similarly , democracy designates an idea ; therefore , democracy is a Noun . Moreover , Nouns can be identified by presence of signal words Nouns can function as subjects , direct objects , indirect objects , objects of prepositions , and subject complements . ...

Parts of Speech

 PARTS OF SPEECH Traditional grammar attempts to give semantic or notional definitions to the different parts of speech . It describes a noun , for example , as the name of a person , a place or a thing or a verb as a doing word . Though there is some correlation between word classes and meaning , all such definitions fall down . In fact , whether we realise it or not we classify words very largely by the positional and functional slots they occupy in a sentence . Secondly , we may be guided by form - some word classes have characteristic ending or inflections . There are eight parts of speech : 1. Noun  2. Pronoun 3. Adjective  4. Verb  5. Adverb  6. Preposition  7. Conjunction  8. Interjection For Videos Please visit my YouTube Channel 👇 Youtube Channel

English Literature Mcqs 1 to 50

  This is the first part of mcqs of English Literature Poetry. I also share answer Keys. These Mcqs are very useful for test preparations. Part 1 1. Which poem ends ‘I shall but love thee better after death’? a. How do I love thee b. Ode to a Grecian urn c. In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes d. Let me not to the marriage of true minds 2. Which poet is considered a national hero in Greece? a. John keats b. Lord Byron c. Solan d. Sappho 3. Which kind of poem is Edward Lear associated with? a. Nature b. Epics c. Sonnets d. Nonsense 4. In coleridge’s poem ‘The rime of the Ancient Mariner’where were the three gallants going? a. A funeral b. A wedding c. Market d. To the races 5. Harold Nicholson described which poet as ‘Very yellow and glum. Perfect manners’? a. e. e. Cummings b. T. S. Elliot c. John Greenleaf Whittier d. Walt Whitman 6. What was strange about Emily Dickinson? a. She rarely left home b. She wrote in code c. She never attempted to publish her poetry d. She w...

English literature Mcqs 51 to 100

 This is the 2nd part of mcqs of English Literature with answer keys. Part 51. Which of the following is not a work of John Keats? a.Endymion b.To some ladies c.To hope d.None of above 52. Who wrote the poems, “On death” and “Women, Wine, and Snuff?” a.John Milton b.John Keats c.P.B. Shelley d.William Wordsworth 53. “Of Man’s first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste Brought death into the world, and all our woe, With loss of Eden.” This is an extract from: a.Paradise Lost b.Paradise Regained c.Samson Agonistes d.Divorce Tracts 54. William Shakespeare was born in the year: a.1564 b.1544 c.1578 d.1582 55. Which of the following is not a Shakespeare tragedy? a.Titus Andronicus b.Othello c.Macbeth d.Hamlet e.None of the above 56. Who wrote ‘The Winter’s Tale?’ a.George Bernard Shaw b.John Dryden c.Christopher Marlowe d.William Shakespeare 57. What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor? a) No difference. Simply two different ways in...

English Literature Mcqs 101 to 150

 This is the 3rd part of mcqs of English Literature. Answer Keys are also shared in the last. Part-3 101. Which king began a war to enforce his claims to the throne of France in 1336? a) Henry II b) Henry III c) Henry V d) Louis XIV e) Edward III 102. Who would be called the English Homer and father of English poetry? a) Bede b) Sir Thomas Malory c) Geoffrey Chaucer d) Caedmon e) John Gower 103. What was vellum? a) parchment made of animal skin b) the service owed to a lord by his peasants ("villeins") c) unrhymed iambic pentameter d) an unbreakable oath of fealty e) a prized ink used in the illumination of prestigious manuscripts 104. Only a small proportion of medieval books survive, large numbers having been destroyed in: a) the Anglo-Saxon Conquest beginning in the 1450s. b) the Norman Conquest of 1066. c) the Peasant Uprising of 1381. d) the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the 1530s. e) the wave of contempt for manuscripts that followed the beginning of printing in ...