2. PRONOUN The word Pronoun comes from the Late Middle English ( pronoune ) , partial translation of Latin pronomen : Whereas pro means name and nomen means Noun . A Pronoun can replace a Noun or another Pronoun . Moreover , a Pronoun is the part of speech that is used as a substitute for an antecedent noun that is clearly understood , and with which it agrees in person , number , and gender For example , consider the sentence " Arham gave the coat to Asma . " All three nouns in the sentence can be substituted by pronouns to give : " He gave it to her . If the coat , Arham , and Asma have been previously mentioned , the listener can infer what the pronouns he , it and her refer to and therefore understand the meaning of the sentence . In addition , you can use pronouns like he , which , none , and you to make your sentences less cumbersome and less repetitive . I , n , you , he , she , it , they , them , ours , me , who , which , myself , anybody , etc. are pronouns ...